Why download this material and review it in privacy?
Being a successful parent in today’s world is a very challenging, yet rewarding task. Being able to review this material in the privacy of your own home, at free moments when you are able to do so, will allow you the time and opportunity to really get to grips with the subtle skills reviewed throughout the course. Everyone’s schedules vary, so you pick the times to review the material that fit in with your lifestyle.
Also, a lot of parents don’t like asking for help and in some cases, don’t like admitting they need help. Some parents may just be a little bit curious to see if there’s anything that might assist in a particular situation with their child. Then there are parents who simply cannot leave the home for one of many reasons to attend a course. In each of these cases, Parenting Skills Online is the perfect answer to learning a few tips and techniques without having to tell or ask anyone. And, if you still have a query after doing the course, Supernanny will attempt to steer you in the right direction.
We do emphasise that practising the exercises, ‘Building Bridges’, included in each e-book, will make a big difference and speed up the learning process, particularly if you have a friend or partner with whom to practise.