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We all have our own views on how to raise our children and maybe on reflection some people regard a strict upbringing as alright. Being assertive, open and congruent, however, are always preferable in helping a child feel good about himself. Get started with Book 1, ‘Being a Parent’ which you can download right now FREE!

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We tend to think we know what’s best for our children in all matters. However, they do need to be allowed to experience for themselves so they learn their own limits. Trust your child and be on hand if they need your assistance. Download Book 1, ‘Being a Parent’ FREE right now!

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– G.H. Dublin

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The last book in the series looks at styles of parenting and the effectiveness of each. It also looks at possible causes when the 4-part I challenge doesn’t work. We bring in the ‘soft no’, which is another alternative.
What are the possible causes of the ‘4-part I challenge’ not being effective? This particular skill may not work if it was your problem and not the child’s or if you were not being congruent. If you behave aggressively rather than assertively you may not get the desired result either.

When all else fails, you can save energy with the ‘soft no’. This skill can be used when you really don’t want to negotiate and you just want them to do as you ask. This can be used in potentially dangerous situations or when you’re just too tired to be bothered.

Finally, we conclude with reaching agreements with your children and then making sure they stick to them. This could be regarding simple issues such as leaving lights on, to more serious things like coming home later than agreed.

Book 12 – Being Firm and Gentle
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